Apr 07, 2004 18:24
wut ^everybody!? nuttin here.. jC..newaYs* im on the phone w/ my grL ~*-aBrI-*~ and i gotta tell her some s00D sH!T..but i gotta write this jouRnaL entrY fiRsT! um.. toDaY wAs good and funny! its started all of w/ that all around bitch michelle middletoN>me GabBer anD maRiSa anD jEss tried 2 sneak away from her b4 the beLL so we could go hang out w/ our friends (b/c she tries 2 keep us in her room..i wonder why that freakin raper)! neways.. well we got away.. but 0nLy 4 lyke 5 miNuteS b/c then she CamE ..**sEaRcHinG**.. 4 uS! what a biTcH! then she fLirted w/ gaBi's bOyfRienD (as usUaL)! and then in social studies we had a sub! so we didnt have to deal w/ seeing mr. B get horny in class ( thank the fuckin gOd.. xept jessi cant b/c she is JAHOVAH) loL.. then in tech eD Jim A. was like feeling my muscle and he was like OMG U GOT A LOTTA MUSCLE.. and im like.. well i work outt... and he is liek DAMN u got MoRe theN me! and im like 00ok then! lol. but it was funny! then in gYm (the subject....... not IN JIM_) lol.. we had 2 square dance again! and Jose asked me 2 b his parter! i am really glad he is back! he is soo nice! mR. McCaNN saiD we WerE the "best daNcerS" haha.. (wut ever that MeaNs) l0l.. um then in spaniSh we did some gay aSs "OHLAH" thingy! its so gay.. but i cant really say that b/c i hardLy understand it..lol. then after school i went and worked out.. *latly ive been like "in shape" lol..but ihave a personaL trAiner.. its sort of fun! its weird b/c right now being in shape is really importaint 2 me! * DoNt geT woRRieD guYs.. i ThiNk it Is juS aPhaSe im GoinG thRough.. i gO througH theM eVerY yEaR* lol.. ok well im gonna go and talk w/ aub! love yA
-ThE - hiLLer*