Feb 29, 2004 16:49
So i live in a very rural area. Yeah in the country. Hicksville. No farms but pretty damn close.Welcome to the critique corner where everything you say or do will be critiqued by you no WHO... haha watch my comentaries in ~these thingies~ Examen the most "popular girl" in the schools profile- Name: cAndAcE nIc0lE[(i sAyy whAt`s 0n myy mInd I d0n`t cArE If I 0ffend y0u_aNd If I d0n`t lIkE y0u I w0n`t prEtEnd t0)] ~ alright child ask me if i care we no the whole school hates you~ Location: *2-0-3 bAbyy-->>(whErE mE And myy gIrls RUN It) ~great give out yur area code and you dont run it!!! Get over your damn self~ Sex: 0ne hUndrEd pErcEnt R.E.A.L._All y0U fAke jEAl0Us h0Ez sh0uld tRyy It] ~real... is she talking about her sex or her boobs because i no she doesnt have any~ Marital Status: thE wAyy y0u AppEAl t0 me It jUst fEEls s0 rEAl t0 mE_y0u cAn mAkE mE smIlE wIth0Ut EvEn tryyIng ~ thats right im not gonna try, your a bitch and bitches dont smile anyway~ Hobbies & Interests: I`m d0wn wIth thEm n0 mAttEr whAt thE sItch(whEthEr It`s drInkIn` twEnty v0dkA sh0ts 0r bEAtIn` Upp A bItch)Kait[S4L y0U`rE myy nUmbEr 1 gIrL n0 mAttEr whAt rEmEmbA thAt]Jess[BF4E y0u kEEp mE In chEck w/0 U idk] ~bet she never drank anything besides the milk from her moms boobies and who are these fuckers? bet they pretned to be her friend cuz she gets them good b-day gifts~ _Eb.tr.vp.ds.cI.Ap.dp.lr.cb.As.bt.gv.cw. Favorite Gadgets: s0mEtImEs y0U jUst nEEdA mAn t0 tAlk t0_cc.mf.sd.dE.jf.sA.Ac.md.bk. AnD thE rEst 0f y0U All-I d0Nt rEmEmbEr All yA nAmEs!! hA ~ um i dont think they can even stand her and by the way you cant think of the rest cuz there is no more~ Occupation: bEIn` trUE, bEIn` rEAl, bEIn` mE[I`m sIck And tIrEd] 0f bItchEs thInkIn I`m s0ft_y0U d0n`t kn0w h0w mAny w0rds [I`vE sh00k 0ff]~ nothing but soft hard core prick and we no it~ Personal Quote: s0metImEs y0u g0ttA gEt fUcckEd Up t0 fEEl s0bEr_cryy t0 sEE clEAr_nD fAll d0wn 1,000 tImEs bEf0rE y0U lEArn h0w t0 pIck y0UrsElf Upp ~ where did you get that one candace? ghetto booty dictionary and who is gonna fuck you?~
~So there you go.. truth be told..by lauren.. Ghetto in Hicksville. She never lived in the ghettos\prodjects eahter.So who says she can be like that. And obviously High honors english will be way to much for her. I mean what great conventions of english she has. N I ain'T b 1 dem hatiN' HoEz, ThAT juz B tha Truth I toldz!