Only me...

Apr 30, 2004 23:00

The course of events over the past two days could only ever happen to me.

My day yesterday (Thursday) started off normally enough. I had to drag myself out of bed to the point where I actually stopped on the way to work for a cappuccino. I got there and no sooner had I completed all the regular morning tasks than customers started coming in. A young man pulled up to the drive through and sent in a check to be cashed. It was made out to him and was drawn on us, but looked suspicious. It looked like someone had written out the check, and then someone else had traced over it with another pen. I looked closer and found that the signature was spelled wrong. When I told the customer that I was simply going to call the account owner to verify that the check was authorized, he said that was fine and he would wait. I started dialing the telephone and he tore out of the drive through, apparently lost control of his vehicle, and hit my car which was parked in the back of the building. He kept on going though...right through the bushes, into our grass, and back onto the main road. The cops caught him ten minutes later. 17 years old, stole his grandmother's check and was driving her car. The twist is that this is the third time since November that someone has hit my car. There are plenty more ironies to this story...see store for details, because I'm not typing them all out here.

Another weird thing...for those of you who don't know, someone shot one of the Penn College police officers earlier this week. I came to find out in a rather random way that the shooter actually lived in the victorian apartment building in front of my apartment. It appears that he is the same guy I told to shut up one night because he was barking at the neighbor's dogs at 2 am. Good thing he didn't shoot me--I'd be pissed.

So I'm officially a member of Alpha Kappa Delta. Great, huh? I was so excited about wearing my honors cords at graduation. I still am, but not quite as much anymore, since I got them and they're TEAL GREEN. Wtf is that? Teal green.....that'll look lovely with our blue and gold robes. Bah! Maybe I'll get teal green shoes, just for kicks. (Get it? Kicks?) So that was bad. Sorry.

I took my last final ever this morning. It was international marketing, for one Bonita Kolb, and I kicked its ass. Yay me. I was especially tickled when she reamed Croatian Tom out for leaving the room twice, and then wouldn't answer his question, and THEN reprimanded him AGAIN for talking to Eric Brolley. Ha. That's what you get for being so damned annoying.

I've finally decided who gets my graduation tickets: my parents, Jeff, Jeff's parents, and Alicia. I'm happy with the selection. It's like when you're casting a play and you just know you have all the right people for the parts.

So if you're reading this, you need to add yourself to my "Friends" list. I don't know how to do it yet, but I'm working on it, so for now, just let me know you're out there because I sorta feel like a loser at this point.

I'm off to bed for now because I have to get up and go to work in the least my car is driveable (even if the license plate IS propped up in my rear window). Stop in and see me if you're near the mall tomorrow between 8 and noon!
Much love to all and goodnight.
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