Mar 27, 2006 11:40
Not much is new on the home front.
I'd like to say wedding plans are progressing, but right now, they aren't. I still have to find my dress, and I'm at the point where I don't even enjoy the idea of going dress hunting because I'm too fat to fit into anything really pretty. As much as I tell myself I'm going to lose a lot of weight before the wedding, I'm not sure it's going to happen. My favorite method of exercise--biking--isn't feasible right now because I'm not allowed to have my bike at our house unless I keep it in the basement. Sorry...I'm not carrying my bike up and down a spiral staircase every day. Justin and I have been going for walks, but not on a regular basis. Wish I had an assistant to follow me around and tell me what I can and can't eat, because I've learned that I have nearly no willpower when it comes to food. And I'm miserable. I've never weighed this much in my entire life.
We aren't moving any time soon either, unless we can find a place to purchase that suits our needs. That could take a while. Also, Justin's mother was kind enough to offer to front more money if we purchased a place where his grandmother could have an apartment as well. But...I don't want to deal with a lot of tenants, and we were hoping the other unit in the house would pay our mortgage with their rent payment. We wouldn't be able to charge Gram that much if she lived there, and I don't really want to deal with more than one other unit.
We're having Easter dinner at our house. I have no idea how this is going to work out; I've never made a whole turkey or ham, and I don't know how I'm going to have enough space for everyone, but it has to work because we've already invited everyone. "Everyone" is only my parents and his parents, so it shouldn't be too bad, but I'm still first hosting of a holiday. I wish I could have gotten the kitchen painted before Easter, but I don't think that will be happening with the way my play practice schedule looks right now.
At this point I'm just killing time in the lunch room before I have to go back upstairs. I've been doing well with lunches, eating yogurt and such, but people are constantly bringing in snack items which, though I think about resisting, I don't.
I've also been sleeping a lot lately. Not sure why I've been getting so tired...I can go from bubbly energetic to "I need a nap" in 5 seconds, no joke.
Well it's about that time folks. Back to the shittyness that is my job. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I'm looking for a new one of those. If anyone knows of anything, let me know. Thanks.