The Cookbook Entry

Mar 23, 2011 10:06

So, I have been purging my cookbooks recently, and trying new recipes, and I'd like to put down some cookbook info for people who are interested in what I'm doing cookingwise. If anyone is.

I've taken over the cooking for a while, and I'm trying to move us over to more plants, less animal products, and also more whole grains and less processed foods. I tried to keep things that fit in that philosophy.

My absolutely keep forever cookbooks:
How to Cook Everything - I bought this cheap with a slightly ripped dustcover, and it is my basic go-to cookbook. I don't like the Joy of Cooking, because it does not list the ingredients up front, and I'd become attached to this before I got the Fanny Farmer cookbook.
New Cook Book Souvenir Edition - my parents' big cookbook. I am not sure if they ever use it, but some of the recipes in this are family standards.
Jane Brody's Good Food Book & Jane Brody's Good Food Gourmet - my dad picked these up years ago. Some of the recipes are family standards, and everything I've ever made from them has gotten compliments.

Cookbooks I have used and like:
Diane Seed's Mediterranean Cookbook - I've made a few things from it, and they were good. It is a very pretty cookbook, with watercolor pictures.
Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking - recommended by an Indian friend. Most of the recipes are northern Indian.

Cookbooks I need to try (more) recipes from:
15 Minute Chicken Gourmet - bought in college, did not use very much
Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day - easy homemade bread. Rec'd by
Diet for a Small Planet - the original save the world by eating nuts and twigs book
Food Matters - the current save the world by eating nuts and twigs book
From Asparagus to Zucchini - lots of recipes, arranged by vegetable
Madhur Jaffrey's World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking - it looked pretty, and I wanted it.
Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home - bought for cheap at a used book sale
Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook - I love the idea of being able to use the rice cooker(s) to make more than rice. Avoid Roger Ebert's book about this - just google for his column; the information is the same.

Cookbooks I am keeping for non-food reasons:
Louisiana Lagniappe - souvenir of a trip. Besides, it tells me how to cook an armadillo!
Apple Kitchen Cookbook - my dad's copy, and it has my dad's apple pie recipe.
Beard on Bread - my dad's copy.
Breads: At the Academy - a gift from a friend.
Complete Book of Breads - has my dad's Christmas bread and roll recipes.

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organizing, cooking

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