May 02, 2005 14:52
Hey its monday - whoo hoo! haha mondays suck i'm feeling kinda sleepy right now... today was good kinda went by in a blur. anna told me how she was talking and all of a sudden... BAM "LOOK A SQUIRRLE!!!!!!!" lol well speaking of anna... i took this from her.
Seven things in your room:
1) computer
2) bed
3) stereo
4) 2 dressers
5) dried roses
6) books
7) laundry basket
Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex(or same sex):
1) eyes
2) 6 pack < so fucking sexy
3) hair
4) very nice
5) funny
6) intelligence
7) athletic
Top seven movies:
1) LOTR 1,2,3
2) The Notebook
3) Fever Pitch
5) Moulin Rouge
6) STAR WARS 1-6
7) The Incredibles
Seven facts about you:
1) I am secretly blonde even though I have brown hair.
2) I'm single
3) I am in love with mint chocolate chip ice cream
4) I play the piano and have played for 7 years
5) I am a good helper and secret keeper
6) I love reading
7) I am Lebanese and loving it!
Seven things that make you sad:
1) being lonely
2) our government
3) the poverty of our world
4) boys
5) being sick
6) people who are too good to care about certain things
7) being lonely
Smoke?: nope
Read the newspaper?: once in a blue moon
Pray?: yes
Like candles?: love them
Believe in soul mates?: i kinda gave up on them
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Believe in forgiveness?: if its worth it
Want to get married?: yes
Want to have kids?: at least 2
Ever want to adopt kids? yes
Been in love? no
Gone skinny dipping? hell YES
Had a medical emergency? concussion... does that count?
Had surgery? no
Ran away from home?: umm i got as far as the car and sat down
Played strip poker?: lol yes- spanish class
Gotten beaten up?: no
Beaten someone up?: no but i have always wanted to ust full on punch someone
Been on stage?: i love being on stage
Slept outdoors?: ummm i don't remember but i think so
Pulled an all nighter? mm hmm
If yes, what is your record?: 4:30 -Relay For Life-
Made out with a stranger?: no
Been on radio/tv?: lol yes! i won something on the radio and i've been on it plenty of times and have been on Tv a lot.
Been in a mosh-pit?: no
Said "I Love You" and meant it?: only to family and friends
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no
Wish you were the opposite sex: yes haha
Had an imaginary friend: no... i think
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yes
First kiss?: plymoth.... 8th grade
Pepsi or coke?: Coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
Internet or phone?: Internet
Would you shave your head for $1000?: hell no
Suicidal?: no
Stubborn?: yes
Open-minded?: i do believe so
Arrogant? no
Patient?: depending
Hyper?: lets just say i can be scary
Nice?: why else would dorks like me? lol just kidding- yeah
Happy?: i think i do get depressed but i've had a happy life
[three words that sum you up]: spazzy, fun, lighthearted
[jewelry worn daily]: watch
[wallet]: blue!
[coffee]: eww
[shoes]: sneakers, my flats, or flip-flops
[cologne/perfume]: True Star, Tommy Hilfiger
[clothing you have on]: track jacket w/ cami top + jeans also, HOT PINK FUZZY SLIPPERS
[cried]: umm well i think so
[bought something]: yes
[gotten sick]: no
[sang]: i sing all the time
[eaten]: lol i ate like 5 minutes ago
[been kissed]: no
[felt stupid]: i AM stupid -lol jkjk-
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: sorta
[talked to an ex]: probably
[seen someone you have a crush on]: thats for me to know and you to find out
[had a serious talk]: yes
[missed someone]: yes
[hugged someone]: yes
[argued with a parent(s)]: YES
[best girl friend]: umm i have a lot of best girl friends dani, jen, anna, caitlyn to name a few
[best guy friend]: John
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: no- its been over a year and 6 months
[hobbies]: reading, eating, sleeping, internet, being w/ friends
[car you drive]: yes but not legally
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: depend on the people
[job]: no- i've been applying though
[attend church]: every sunday
[like being around people]: yes
Slept in your bed: besides me, dani- lol we were having a sleepover ok
Saw you cry: my sister
Made you cry: a lot of people put together
You shared a drink with: my sister
You went to the movies with: my dad and sister
You went to the mall with: Dani
Yelled at you: my dad