Jan 01, 2007 19:38
You all know me, I love to have fun. I love to partty and go crazy and pretend like there isn't a care in the world. You all know I'm spoiled. I love things, and I love to buy things I probably don't even need. If someone isn't spoiling me, I'm spoiling myself. You all know that I am a hopeless romantic, still believing in soul mates, and nnites in shiney armer and things like that. I love to dream, and sometimes instead of going out there to make my dreams come true, I just sit around waiting thinking that they're just gonna happen for me because I dreamed them or something. Well, to be honest, I am one big kid! Really, I am. I mean i am spoiled rotten, (mostly by myself) I get upset when things don't go my way, I get mad at people for silly reasons, I throw tantrums over stupid childish things, I mean.... I'm almost 20 years old, and sometimes I act more like I'm 2 than almost 20.
Okay I'm getting to the point, I promise. As one giant resolution this year, I have decided to star to grow up! I have decided to stop acting like a child, and start taking responsibilety for things I need to be responsible for... not including bills, only because paying bills doesn't necessarily make you all grown up if ya know what I mean.
I need to stop sitting around day dreaming and throwing fits and moping when things don't go my way, and start making things happen. I mean I'm not too bad, not anymore... not like I was when i was smaller. I have grown up a little over this last year. I've learned that giving is more fun than recieving, and that family is important no matter how badly they drive you crazy, and I've learned a little bit about responsibilety, and I learned that sometimes my temper thinks for me and I need to not do that so much. Lol. Yeah I've learned a lot about sucking it up when things don't go my way, and how stupid it is to be mad at someone when all they are doing is telling it like it is, and I learned how to let people in again and how to love and trust again and how to be myself around people too. I did learn so much in 06, so now it's time for me to keep on learning, and keep on growing in to an adult. I know I know it sounds totally boring, but it really isn't all that bad. Lol. i mean of course I'm still gonna have fun, just not too much.
It's just time for me to start acting my age. That's all i'm trying to say. So, here are the things I plan on doing this year to start growing up.
First i plan on saving money instead of spending it. *Maybe I'll spend a little, but that
s it!) I will start putting money away in the bank, I will start applying to other schools so i can transfer ASAP, find another job, start saving to rent an apartment so I won't feel so lost when i leave home for school, be less selfish, think before I act... no matter how sad or angry or whatever I am, be open to other people's oppinions, (more than i am since I kind of am but still think my opinions make more sense than other people's lol) and...... try to be a better person, and practice and studdy harder and get some dissiplin so that when I apply to music school, I'll actually have a chance at getting in.
I also want to try something new, try at least 5 different foods I wouldn't normally try, read one book a month, and laugh and smile and have fun twice as much as I did last year.
There! I am done. Those are the things I want to acheve this year, and i know I can do it.
Hope everyone had a happy Newyear.