Dec 15, 2003 18:30
myself, i better get better by midnight tomorrow because I'm going to see return of the king. i'm not gonna miss that shit for NOTHIN! Not a cold, not a flu, not even a mortal wound! If i got shot at 11:58 pm tomorrow i would still march into that theater, sit the fuck down, and watch the 3 and a half hour long movie! START TO FINISH BLEEDIN' LIKE A MUTHAFUCKA!
so it turns out that i am allergic to the shampoo i have been using for the past year (tea tree oil). my forehead is about the same texture as a dirty hooker's nooner, all bumby and discolored. funny thing is, i only realized i was allergic since i have started washing my face with it (i'm the laziest muthafucka in the shower. if there is a way to minimize the amount of soaps used or expediate the showering process overall, i'll do it.) i thought i'd just like to share that for anyone wondering "Who's fucking cootch has he been stickin' his head in?"
- That God-Damned Viking Somnabitch