Jul 22, 2019 14:25
This weekend, was our town's annual street painting festival. It's spread out over two days and three nights. During the daylight, artists paint cool stuff in the middle of the street while bands local and dance troops perform at the various band stands. In the evening, they have concerts by touring bands. It's how I got introduced to Town Pants, a Canadian band who used to do it every year. I think they're too good for us now or something. Anyway, this year it was insanely hot and I think the attendance was down. Still, the artwork was lovely. Makes me wish I hadn't forgotten my camera.
When I wasn't sweating my ass off at the street painting festival, I speed-watched through season two of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel in an effort to finish it off before my free Prime membership expired. It's still a fun show with some great comic beats and screw-ball plot lines, but I didn't enjoy it quite as much as season one. It hit my embarrassment squick hard at several points (Mary's wedding. ::Cringe::), and soured me on some characters I'd really enjoyed in season one (looking at you, Abe). Still, I loved what they did for Rose and the elder Maisels. Like, Shirley and Moshe are genuinely nuts, but hilariously and repeatably so. That whole squirreling packets of money everywhere thing? Carrying emergency food in your purse? Not trusting banks and fretting about impending financial disasters? Shades of my grandparents. The only thing missing was calling up friends to sob hysterically about how all the wonderful things in your life will inevitably go wrong.
My Prime membership expires today, so it will be back to Nexflix like a peasant. I heard a new season of Queer Eye dropped. So I'll probably be watching that next instead of the half-dozen shows I started and never finished. Will Netflix ever advertise their shows? Is the new Veronica Mars worth getting Hulu for?
tv: marvelous mrs. maisel,
in real life