Flashback Friday: Seven Stories of Uncles and Nephews

Jul 12, 2019 14:57

As I mentioned yesterday, I signed up for

ao3tagoftheday 's charitable exchange in support of detained immigrants. I signed up to write for Umbrella Academy, Avatar, Batman comics, and some other fandom I can't remember. Here are instructions for how to get fic from me or anyone else in the exchange.

Funnily enough, my co-worker just came in to tell me that there will be a vigil/protest in the park at 5pm in support of detained immigrants. Three guess where I'm going after work and the first two don't count. Of course, after that, I will be going to fencing because sometimes you just need to stab a bitch.

I'm still debating whether or not to sign up for this year's Alternate Universe Exchange. I think I've finally gotten my creative juices flowing again enough to write for it, but I can't figure out what I'm fanish enough about right now to request. I think I'll keep an eye on it until sign-ups close on Sunday and make a decision then. Or, at the very least, forget it's a thing until the deadline has passed and pretend that constitutes a decision.

Hey, all. Remember when I was going to do weekly flashback Fridays? Finally so did I! Without further a do: your flashback!

Title: Seven Stories of Uncles and Nephews
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Length: 950 words
Rating: G
Summary: Seven short stories focusing on Zuko and Iroh's relationship

Notes: I originally wrote this for Irko Week back in 2009. God, it's been so long.

flashback fridays, fandom: avatar the last airbender

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