Flashback Friday: Fathers and Sons

Apr 12, 2019 10:05

Title: Fathers and Sons
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: John Winchester, Azazel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Length: 1,569
Rating: PG-13
Notes/Warnings: Demonic possession, general unpleasantness
Summary: He and John have been playing cat and mice for a while now, but this is the first time they've ever gotten to really spend time together. Azazel's knows it's going to be fun...for him anyway. Tag to Devil's Trap.

This was written back in 2013 and, for some reason, I feel it may have been written in response to some challenge, although I have no idea which one. Re-reading it, it's clear I wasn't yet on board the John-Winchester-was-a-shitty-father train. The show laid the seeds for that early on, but it wasn't until after he died that the narrative made it pretty explicit.

flashback fridays, fandom: supernatural, fan fiction

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