Wednesday Reading

Feb 27, 2019 19:42

I had to wake up nearly two hours early for a work meeting and I am so fried. Anyway, on to the reading stuff.

Just finished

Ms.Marvel vol. 8 - I had purchased vol. 9 in a pre-Christmas sale only to realize I'd somehow missed this. I had the guy at my local comic shop order it for me and I'm glad I did. This comic is not messing around when it comes to commentary on all types of extremism and current American politics. Jack Kirby would be proud.

Smithsonian magazine, January/February 2019 - This double issue was all about the war on terror. Portions of it, especially the article about a former Abu Grab interrogator were hard to read.

What's next

I recently purchased volumes 2 & 3 of Champions and volume 2 of We Are Robin. I should probably read them.

reading wednesday

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