Flashback Friday - Duck a L'Orange

Jan 25, 2019 09:21

Title: Duck a L'Orange
Fandoms: Supernatural/Darkwing Duck
Rating: PG
Length: 4,432
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Goslyn Mallard, Darkwing Duck, minor Darkwing Duck characters
Summary; The Winchesters try to break the curse of St. Canard, but it just might break them instead.

I wrote this way back in 2008 over on livejournal. My friend had just gotten the complete Darkwing Duck on DVD and I was going through an nostalgia thing. I'd loved that show back in middle school and, animation quality aside, it had actually aged really well. It has a near seamless blend of adult jokes and kid jokes. Seriously, if you have the chance, you should go check it out.

Anyhow, there story is on A03 and LJ

flashback fridays, fandom: supernatural, fandom: darkwing duck

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