Wednesday Reading

Jan 09, 2019 09:19

Didn't get much reading done this week. Saturday, I ran errands and went to see Into the Spiderverse again instead of reading. I've also spent a lot of time watching TV and knitting those pink pussy hats for our local women's march.

Just Finished

Empire of Storms (a.k.a Throne of Glass book 5) - Road trip! Our Hero and her friends travel around, gathering allies for the coming war and wrecking shit. A bunch of side characters have road trips too, all of which eventually lead to the marshes and an epic battle. It ends on an Empire Strikes Back sort of note, complete with a captive cliffhanger.

Currently Reading

Tower of Dawn (a.k.a. Throne of Glass book 6) - And now for something completely different. Instead of picking up where the last book left off, this one tells the story of Our Hero's ex-boyfriend's adventures in diplomacy half the world away. If I'd been waiting a year between books to see what happened, that probably would have ticked me off, no matter how good the book turns out to be. Good thing this is my first time reading this and I'm marathoning.

What's Next

Kingdom of Ash (a.k.a. Throne of Glass book 7)

reading wednesday, books: throne of glass

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