Drabble Consolidation: Anya

Jan 26, 2008 21:17

I have a bunch of drabbles posted at Still_grrr which I never cross-posted here. I will be rectifying that starting now. Drabbles will be grouped according to POV character starting with Anya. Enjoy. General Disclaimer about not owning BtVS or the characters from it.

Title: Clear the System
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 029, BtVS S3/S4
Pairing: Anya/Xander

Stupid boy, Anya thought as she drove north from Sunnydale. Ascension coming, you’d think he’s want to be safe, but no. Did penis-having make you mentally deficient, or did all humans have the self-preservation instincts of lemmings? Anya was smarter than that. No one, not even the least despicable male she knew, was worth getting eaten for. So why did she want to turn around? Why did the idea of him in danger make her want to vomit? Well, no more. If he didn’t die, Anya resolved to do whatever it took to get Xander Harris out of her system.

Title: Good Cop/Bad CoP
Rating: PG
Prompt: 039 Never Leave Me
Characters: Anya, Andrew, Xander

Interrogating had never been her forte, but Anya’s seen enough tv to know how. There’s no debate over parts, she’d been a vengeance demon after all. She’s turned better men than him into screaming, broken wrecks. Getting this little twerp to squeal should be nothing. They slip easily into their roles. Xander’s good cop is practically perfect, smoothly calm and rational, but Anya sees the laughter in his eyes when she stomps on the coat. The sound of her hand on the little weasel’s skin is surprisingly satisfying. Maybe in the next round she could hit him with a phonebook.

Title: What They Had Coming
Rating: PG
Prompt: 040 Just Rewards
Characters: Anya

Their blood had completely ruined her dress. Time was she wouldn’t have minded it at all, maybe even been proud, but now it weighed on her. When had vengeance become so messy and disturbing? Back in the old days, making painfully real some woman’s heartbroken metaphor had felt righteous, fulfilling, maybe even a little fun. Embarrassing transformations, exploding body-parts, sexual assaults by farm animals? Good times and just rewards. Anyanka had always known those men had gotten what they had coming but now, as Anya frantically tried to scrub the blood from her hands, she found wasn’t quite so sure.

genre: drabble, character: anya, fandom: btvs

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