Oct 23, 2019 21:13
This has been a month. As I mentioned back in my last Wednesday Reading post back in September, my cat Cumulus went into renal failure. What followed was a whole lot of running around trying to find him medical care. Let me tell you, the Cornell University Companion Animal Hospital is pricy, but they get the job done. Once I brought my sweet boy home from the hospital, I had to take him back for multiple appointments to check his blood and the device. On Monday, he had a blood test which indicated that he's recovering! I was so relieved I had one of my classic de-stress migraines. Good times, but at least he cuddled with me through it. Anyway, the upshot is that it took me forever to actually finish the novel I started back at the end of September.
What I Just Finished
Terrier by Tamora Pierce. Was this a fantasy police procedural? A murder mystery? A thriller? Who cares, it was fun either way. I enjoyed Beka as a character, even if she seemed way more mature than you'd expect at her age. I guess it gets harder to write convincing teenagers the older you get, especially when you're writing them as junior cops in dangerous situations. I also liked that she didn't hook up with anyone. Like, yeah, Tamora Pierce's weird thing for men 6 years older than her protagonist did make an appearance, but Beka resisted temptation.
Having grown up on The Song of The Lioness series, I was intrigued by the differences in Tortall society between the two series. Like, on the one hand, folks in Beka's time are more accepting of women in more martial roles. On the other hand, slavery.
What Am I Currently Reading
Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce. I just started. There are counterfeit coins and a riot. Good times.
What I'm Reading Next
Something physically light. I'm flying and I'll want something to read on the flight.
reading wednesday