...with a fic meme!
which was shamelessly stolen from
ivy_tsuta ’s journal; feel free to do it yourself as well, it’s fun! ♥
post the first line of a story in here, and i’ll write the next one (might not necessarily mean “line”, as it may also be paragraphs, segments, etc.
no context or prompts, though, but feel free (and I encourage it) to specify a pairing
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Oh, what an interesting meme ^_^
Alrighty, here's the beginning:
Sasuke glared at Naruto with all his might -- the idiot couldn't be serious, could he?!... Seeing the look in the blue eyes, he thought he should have known better than to expect a serious present for his birthday, not when Naruto came into the picture. Now, he had to make sure Sai didn't find the volume of 'Icha Icha Paradise', less he wanted to witness his boyfriend suddenly picking up interset for the dirty books. "Thanks a lot, dobe!!" he thought irritated.
This was really funny! XD I didn't imagine Sasuke so against reading, but maybe it's part of the 'genius syndrome' -- see Kakashi and Shikamaru as example. :P -- as a matter of fact, it reminded me of a NaruGaa fic I wrote some time ago (casually also starring 'Icha Icha' C:) I partucularly liked the part with Sai reading out the cheesy parts! XD
Glad you enjoyed writing on my prompt! ^^ And don't worry, dear, you took your time: it's not like you have a deadline LOL
Read you soon, Ylenia ;D
In the context of this fic, I held onto the fact that Sai does read a whole lot books about relationships and stuff, and Sasuke never really read much, and having a house full of books that aren't his, about those matters, doesn't really help him.
(That last part was completely a self indulgence--Sai reading porn and cheesy lines in his wonderful voice and then making those things come true.)
But, really, just the idea of Sasuke reading Icha Icha (or ay kind of relationship-based book, such as the ones Sai usually reads) adn actually enjoing adn getting engrossed in all the sappiness... well it made crack up with laughter! XD
There is always a way to make fun of Sasuke. (:
I have great news: I've written a sequel-ish fic to this one you wrote C: if you're interested look here ^_^
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