(no subject)

Jul 07, 2004 02:18

Earthgem8 (1:26:22 AM): oh G-d

things will be better. chin up.

ever since the bipolar episode on friday and my almost-breakup on the same night, i've been smoking almost half a pack a day because of my own uncertainties. which weren't helped by thinking she would cheat on me. and this is my eighth straight night of nonsobriety. but things are a little better since yesterday night's very drunken conversation. i didn't say "i love you, too". it's hard for me to say things like that. but eventually i did tell her how i felt. things tend to get better, in time.

what?!, "i am a terrible person", i don't even know, whinewhinewhinebitchbitchbitch, "so serious", fgtry

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