True Blood Season 2, Recap

Oct 01, 2009 15:49

Okay, a few quick things first. I just got an email from Nordstrom announcing a New Moon fashion line . That's right. Stephanie Meyer's books will now have a fashion line. To tell the truth, I'm not sure how I feel about this (not that it's entirely unexpected, considering) but I sure as hell won't spend $30 on a t-shirt or an Edward Cullen life-sized cutout . That is all.


Things are coming along nicely with the WIP (which is tentatively titled Forget-Me-Not Beneath the Sounding Sea ... It's a mouthful, I know). I have a definite favorite character and it's not at all who I expected. Which, in turn, pleases me greatly.


I'm nearly through with Jane Eyre and I'm somewhat unexpectedly delighted by it. Unexpected because ... I'm not even sure. I just didn't think I'd enjoy it quite as much as I have so far.


Now, on to True Blood. I could throw in a few pictures here but they'd all be of Eric so I'll resist.

The second season was, on the whole, a success in my eyes. There were some interesting things changed and a few episodes that could have been cut out completely but I was delighted nonetheless. Bill continues to annoy me with his bossy holier-than-thou attitude and every time he was in a scene with Eric I laughed out loud because he looks like a peon compared to a big Nordic god (ahem, that my be my bias speaking ... okay, it totally is).

Eric, of course, stole every single scene he was in, even if it was only for a few seconds. I like how we got some of his larger-than-life personality in this season and his sense of humor (Suck the bullet out Sookie!).

Also, Sophie-Anne was a pleasant surprise. For some reason, I pictured her more like Cleopatra than how she was cast but I found her delightful (vampires playing Yahtzee! *snort*) and I look forward to seeing more of her in the future.

There were a few things that kind of put me off, the main of which was Godric. I don't like how he was converted into this saintly sympathetic being who only wanted the best for vampire-kind (in the books, he's a serial killing pedophile). I think my problem stems from the difference being too bizarre for my mind to stretch between the two.

I wasn't crazy about Sookie magically having a "zap" power. I mean, I know the "secret" of her heritage but, if they were going to make her immune to Maryann, Jason should have been as well since they share the same blood (dominate magic notwithstanding).

And, finally, the final episode ...


Bill ... proposing and then being kidnapped (because God-forbid we tarnish his white cap)?!?!?! The only good thing about it will be that he should be noticeably absent for at least a few episodes of the next season. And so Eric and Sookie will have to work together. And I'm curious to see how they'll handle Alcide.

tv shows, writing, random

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