The other world

May 05, 2011 02:23

The whole world shimmers, in heat like glass, like the river, The borders of things stretch and grow and do not hold stable lines anymore. It is harder to read, harder to type,My reflection stares back at me with expressions I didnt make, moves in ways I did not move. tiny movies crawl across the walls like old flicker pattern or old reel just jaunting thru my field of vision. Whispers outsidew I see people lookig into my room reflected in the window that are not there. Reflections in the wall as if it were a mirror or really a window to some other place. This tree that I painted on my wall... I watch it grow and stretch move in impossible winds. I can feel the bark shift and smell the wet earth. The visior in my closet with his long folded hat and soft black attire, he only peeks out sometimes because mostly he watches and laughs. Matt tells me to distract myself and not pay attention it is only in my head even he does not truly exisit, there is no portal in my closet leading elswhere, no creature in the mirror posing as me to frighten me. The heat rises up like great mirages but there is no heat to give me this shimmer. I iwsh things could just hold to thier shape. It ticks.. as if the world has a nervs tick shifts... every so often it just ....slides. There are extra dimensions in my computer screen... type against white becomes multilayered as if the different lines are weaving themselves, braiding themselves hovering in non stable space. Little whispers.. little whis[ers The rabbit said it might be a prince but I would never know because I was too slow to catch it. Trips I did not take things I did not do... things others never did to me or said to me... The distain in my stuffed animals eyes...the whispers of not quite heard things so many whispers it is deafening.

I am always dreaming, even when I am awake
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