chalk art by the river

Jun 26, 2005 02:47

i have sunburnt arms from being in the scorching afternoon sun during the chalk art by the river event today. the kids who were there drew the brightest and most attractive chalk pictures (see flower below) ... while we working adults came up with pictures that were more sobering. life is not a bed of roses, y'know. there were policemen around though ... walking up and down the boulevard ... probably to make sure that no one was chalking any politically-sensitive murals (like those of leeky). but we were all very well behaved and so didn't get into any trouble with the men in blue.
anyway, it's nice to see that self-expression through art is being encouraged in the public space. what used to be considered graffiti/vandalism is now sanctioned as art (for two days) and we singaporeans are eagerly lapping up that additional freedom. some passers-by stopped to look at the chalk art and then decided that they too would like to leave their temporary mark on the pavement. so i think it's a step forward lah, even if it's just for two days.

tok_ing took this one and i messed it up using photoshop

photography, events, rant

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