some secrets

Oct 11, 2004 14:57

watched výlet (some secrets) at the EU film festival on saturday. dawn had some reservations at first about it being 1. an M18 film (cos she claims that at 23, she's still impressionable) and 2. about a roadtrip (you know how american roadtrip movies are like), but she later agreed that the film probably deserved all the film awards it had received thus far. i thought the storyline was rich - about the secrets and previously untold stories of each family member that are gradually revealed during the cross-country trip - sure the problems surfaced were everyman's relationship problems, nothing new, but it was seeing the whole process of communicating/sharing these problems and watching how others reacted to these revelations that was touching and deep. i also liked the way the film captured little universal everyday re/actions (like people preening in the mirror, little boy refusing to use the female toilet) that go unnoticed most of the time. but maybe because of this attention to detail, the story proceeded a little slowly (but seriously, what can beat the tortoise-slow korean drama serials that i'm addicted to?). lastly, there were the panning shots of the czech natural landscape to wow me. i could watch this film again.


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