resolutions for november

Nov 01, 2008 23:50

i'm bad at achieving new year resolutions, so i'm making resolutions on a month by month basis. for november, i aim to:

1) eat healthy
this means cutting down on evil potato chips and corn chips (doritos!), having less teh sis in the office and more chinese tea, more home-cooking / less eating out etc. this is quite a necessary precursor to the many lavish working lunches and dinners to come in the latter part of the month.
2) be less irritable
at work. and being more patient.
3) cover longer distances during our weekly runs
the countdown to the stanchart half-marathon has started, and i have yet to complete a 21km run on my own! we should do at least a 15km run and a 21km run within this month.
4) use sunblock
and moisturiser everyday. i have gotten into the habit of sloshing on moisturiser / sunblock during the daily drives to work. but i tend to be a little bit lazier on weekends. MUST NOT HAVE A CRACKLY FACE!

that's it for now. enough to keep me on my toes i say.


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