
Oct 04, 2008 15:53

we visited the singapore biennale 2008 at the old city hall during the hari raya holiday. F1 race fencing, grandstands and lighting were still in the process of being dismantled, so we got to say goodbye again. really like it that they are using different venues for the biennale event this year. remembered how we were all excited to see the newly refurbished national museum back during the 2006 biennale, and this time, it was nice strolling through the serious city hall corridors again (wooden panelled walls, marble floors, signs to PSC interview rooms) and get a peek into those "forbidden places" in the past - judge's chambers and all. and while i won't claim to be an artsy-fartsy type, i do enjoy coming into contact with all the beauty, darkness, quirkiness and creativity of artistic expression once in awhile ... so this was a nice way to spend that out-of-the-blue public holiday which i didn't really see coming until the week before.

the maggots lead the way to (what was for us) the first exhibit stop in city hall.

who would think of using dried "paint worms" to put together a huge piece of art that looks like a woven tapestry from afar?

this one was a classic ... have always thought the new supreme court looks like a spaceship in the middle of the colonial district. this installation proves it.

video installation showing eerily still figures standing in a bolivian salt desert during and just after a rainstorm.

little girl designing her sticker to paste on the huge singapore google map, with help from her daddy.

good times with 619++ at the reasonably-priced vines seafood and steak restaurant along thomson road yesterday night, where we quibbled over what meat came from what animal. and because there was incessant talk about lamb and sheep, when i was ordering my lobster & turkey sausage main course, i told the waiter i wanted lambster. the brain wasn't really functioning at all. oh well, these are the silly slip-ups you can afford when you're around with friends.

photography, exploring singapore

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