Feb 10, 2008 14:49
Heading into the sixth week of the semester, and I'm already feeling burned out. My schedule pretty much sucks in all forms right now, and this past year has really been kicking my natural born white arse. I blame it all on my first semester here, where I deemed myself too good for studying and working hard, and ended up with a 2.95 GPA and a bank account in the negatives. Ever since then, I have been trying to pick up the slack I left for myself. The following semester, I kicked it up a notch and started working three days a week and pulled four A's and one C (I really hate anatomy). Except my effing school doesn't give A+'s, only A's and below, so I didn't make the dean's list. I'm still kinda mad about that.
I spent my summer beefing up my bank account and making up for classes I dropped: I took anatomy & physiology II and Developmental Psychology, all while working 40-60 hours a week. By the end of the summer, I had just barely put my account into the positives and I was still trying to make up for that agonizing 2.95.
Fall semester started, along with the real nursing classes. Between thirty hours a week of work and major assignments due on a weekly basis, I barely had time to be nervous about doing clinical days or my GPA. I pulled out of the semester with an O.K. 3.5.... I blame the horrible nursing scale: 94-100: A or A-; 84-93: B-, B, B+; 83-77: C or C+; Anything lower than a 77: you fail.
Winter break started, and so did all the work. Over break, I only read one, count it, ONE book. I finally had time to read the final Harry Potter book, I sat myself down and finished it in a day because that's all I could afford. Then I went back to work. A lot. Money is really hard to earn.
Spring semester is going by like a harsh wind. It's not easy & breezy, but it's flying by and smacking me in the face at the same time. To give you a very detailed idea of my week:
Monday: 11-2:30, class. 3-4, work. 5-8, travel to the hospital (1 hr away) and do paperwork. Come home, prepare for clinical (usually 2+ hours of work)
Tuesday: wake up between 5-6 to get to clinical on time... 7-2:30, clinical. 3-4, work. 4-5, get tutored. 5-10, prepare for the next day (preparation is unavoidable because I have a quiz every day in every class. No joke).
Wednesday: 8-2:30, classes. 3:30-4:30, work. 5-11, CHILL TIME! This is the one day a week I get to spend time with my wonderfully understanding boyfriend.
Thursday & Friday: I usually get a chance to work an 8-10 hour shift at work each day and pack in as much homework and sleeping as possible
Saturday: 9-12, class. 2-11, work.
Sunday: Sleep, church, prepare for Monday so I can start it all over again.
It's kicking my butt. Hard. If you look, there are big, fat, red welts across my cheeks from the semester kicking it there. I usually only get to log onto Facebook 2-3 times a week, it makes me so sad.
For this reason, Internet, I have come to neglect you. I love your blogs, viral vids, and random crap. Spending all my days on you was amazing, I miss those days. Now I'm stuck in this havoc of bills, deadlines, and patients.
When will an end be in sight?!