nerd with a capitol N E R D

Jun 11, 2006 23:14

I saw X3 earlier this month, and of course, I found things wrong with it. This, apparently, upset the community of dorks in Connecticut. And by community I mean the dude who becomes more of an ub3r n3rd every moment he breathes.

This is a retaliation to the retaliation of my retaliation to The Last Stand. Got that straight? (You're going to need to read that retaliation in order to follow what I'm about to write). I don't know about you, but the word "retaliation" has suddenly lost all meaning to me.

First of all, since all mutants aren't actually X-men, X-men are just that special group, is it X as in X-gene or Xavier? Since they're Xavier's group? I mean, if they're called X-men in referral to the gene, then all mutants should technically be able to be called X-Men. But come on, none of them are wearing those flashy uncomfortable looking suits, so it's gotta be X as in Xavier. Way to go, Picard!

Kelsey Grammer is perfect for that part? HAVEN'T YOU EVER SEEN FRASIER? Kelsey is not perfect for a giant blue monster, I'm sorry, but no. Leave the overgrown hairy-somethings to the comedians known as Jim Carrey or Mike Myers, not the pseudo sophisticated shrinks.

I'm wondering why you even bring Scott up. I never said anything about Scott, other than the fact that he died (which he TOTALLY deserves. loser.) I don't like Scott. He's a whiny git. Plus, I was rooting for Logan to get Jean.

I HATE MAGENTO. WHY IS HE SO AMAZING. And why is his helmet purple? What, did they run of of blue at the anti-mind-reading helmet factory?

CHARLES XAVIER IS BACK! IF YOU CAN POSSIBLY DOUBT THAT, YOU DONT DESERVE TO EVER HAVE HEARD ABOUT X-MEN! i was more emotional when he died then when we watched romeo and juliet in english. charles xavier is the man, and if hes back you're not anyone to say theres something wrong with it.

First of all, DORK. Second of all be proud of me! Because as I was brooding my entry, I remembered how it was possible for Charles to come back. X4, anybody? Or maybe they'll just settle for Jackman's upcoming "Wolverine" (2007) as the next X installment. Hollywood must be getting desperate.

ranting, celebrities

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