The weekend roundup.
Lots happened this week. The most devastating was that they told us (last week) that our new boss, the ex-Marine whom I love, and who has been the first boss I've ever had who actually was interested in developing my career, is a respectful, a good listener, getting us training, finding out what we are interested in, etc. Some one who actually was mentoring and developing me, who I actually felt was respectful and really valued both me and my work. Yeah well, he lives about 90 miles away, and can't handle the commute any more. When he was hired 18 months ago, he was a BI architect peon, like us. He worked from home 2-3 days per week, and came in on the days he had face to face meetings. When Director Fishman abruptly quit last fall, Marine was tapped to lead pro-tem, and then to be the new manager. Management decrees that all leaders be there in person everyday. So Marine went from doing the 2 hour commute (each way) twice a week, to every single day. He tried staying in town during the week, but he has 4 teenagers and that didn't work for his family. The 25 hrs per week he was spending on the commute isn't working for him or his family. So the crux is, that he is no longer our manager, and will continue working as a consultant, only in the office on Fridays, and telecommuting the other days. Good for Marine, but very bad for the rest of our team. We will now all report to the new Manager they hired in January (my previous manager's boss from her previous workplace). We don't know him, we don't know how much he will do just what Lying-ExManager (LEM) tells him to do. No one trusts LEM, and if we have to report to her, I know that will spark another exodus of workers. (In the last 12 months we lost 14 people.) Everything is very fluid at the moment, about exactly how we are transitioning. Marine is being fuzzy, about things like job titles (they are changing) and who will be in charge, so it makes me think they are playing things by ear, and there are a few more changes to come. *sigh*
Thursday, I picked up my new glasses. Unfortunately, when I arrived, Stephen the genius glasses adjuster was already helping someone else, and I had run at at my late lunchtime, so I didn't have a lot of time to wait for him to be free. So my glasses were given to me by their receptionist. She didn't use their sonic cleaner on them, she adjusted one ear-piece with simple bending, that sort-of did the trick, and then she just gave me some printed words in various sizes to look at to see if my progressive bifocals were adjusted correctly. Stephen gives me a series of cards, where I look at some grids, some photos, and a few other diagnostic images to make sure everything is level (it is crucial for bifocals to have the lines of transition be perfectly level with your eyes, else things will be slightly wonky and you get unintended blurriness, and potentials for headaches. So now 4 days on, the one ear piece is making my ear sore, and because my eyes are not perfectly level, the glasses are higher on one side than the other, in respect to my eyeballs, and they sit too close to my face. I will return when I can have Stephen's undivided attention.
Friday, of course. But dog park after work, it was in the high 40's on Thursday but down into the 30's on Friday. We went to the dog park, toting a jug of water for Lycan, but all of the bowls had disappeared, so no where to pour it. About 10 minutes before we were going to leave, a man brought in 2 male huskies, at least one of which was unaltered. He was a bully, picked on any dog who tried to engage him, and he peed on everything, including M's leg. How rude! What a nasty dog. But surprisingly, I freaked out much more than she did. =\
Saturday, was too busy. Grocery shopping, dog park, Chick-fil-A for a free sandwich, then a walk at Lapham Peak State Park. I waited in the car at the park. Lycan was acting weirdly on the way to the dog park, very trembly, panting, licking her lips, all signs of anxiety. When we got to the park, she couldn't seem to find anyone she felt comfortable enough to play with. A large gray & white male pit bull, Blue, ran with her a bit but he was too aggressive and scared her (she actually hid from him under the bench I was sitting on, and she doesn't really fit there anymore. After that Blue's people moved away, but any time Lycan came within 20 yards of him, he started stalking her (head down, tightened muscles, rigid tail). Between Blue and another aggressive catahula dog, Lycan ended up under the bench 4 times. She hasn't done that since we've been back to the park last September. So she didn't have as good a time as she normally does. The nice long walk in the woods at Lapham, made sure that we ended her outing on a positive note. And M ran into one of the Docs from her clinic on that walk. Small world! Came home and We got to relax and read (I watched TV, NCIS - New Orleans) for an hour before making dinner. Watched 3 Blacklists, after dinner. I am so tired of the dangling plot lines from last year. I don't care about the Harbor Master, I don't like bad Tom. Can we just get on with the stories already?! I ended up staying up until 1 am playing Fishdom 3 on my iPad. I love those fish, and the tank decorations and options are much better this time than they were in 2.
So I didn't get to sleep quite as late as I wanted to do on Sunday. A doggie day care place in Bay View was having a n Egg Hunt Fundraiser, and B really wanted to go, so much so that she preregistered and prepaid for Lycan. Somehow, B doesn't really get all of Lycan's limitations. We decided to go, with the understanding that if Lycan had any problems (M was sure she'd be growling at people) we'd leave. M & I have wanted to visit their facility ever since we found out that they host indoor play time after work during the winter. We've been looking for some option to exercise Lycan when it's just too cold to be outside for very long. Again, Lycan was very anxious on the 15 minute ride to the facility. Bay View Community Bark is located in an old factory building on the near south side. Not unusual for a doggie daycare type place. They do daycare, training classes, including agility. When we got there they were probably 75-100 cars already there. As you might imagine, inside there were a lot of dogs and a lot more people. It was crowded, but not shoulder to shoulder, because it's pretty spacious inside. What set me on edge, aside from the general hubbub of the crowd (only 1 dog was barking) was the loud music they were pumping in throughout the space. No surprise that Lycan didn't do very well. She definitely found the environment over stimulating, and overwhelming. Even meeting a dog that she knows (B's friend's Lincoln) didn't make her feel better. So we just took her for one walk through the space so we could see what it was all about and then we left. We ended up going over to the dog park so she could get a little fun in. But the weather was so nasty (sleet, high winds, very cold) that there was no one at the dog park. So M & B just took her for a walk around the perimeter. Once around was enough for all 3 of them, there were all cold & wet when they returned to the car, but Lycan's tail was up and she had a smile on her face.
When we got back, I started a fire, ordered my reports for work, finished my taxes and watched Million Dollar Arm while I did that. B made dinner (yummy pork loin), then they took Lycan out for a walk. I finished the taxes, and we watched 2 more episodes of Black List. We are through Tom Keen now (only behind one more episode) so hopefully that's the end of the Harbor Master stuff at least. I know they will keep pulling Tom out of the woodwork as necessary. Now on to Fulcrum!
And now I'm up to date.
The week ahead: Warmer weather! 50's & 60's for at least 2 days!! Teeth cleaning on Tuesday, an all-day "Team building" soiree at Dave & Busters (an adult arcade place) and friday M & I have off! We are going to see at least 1 movie at the theater!