I feel like my Holiday started on Friday afternoon. We had a fabulous weekend!
goldiebug is visiting and we've had a really great time! Dog park x 3, games x many, bar trivia, chatting, some TV, and just a lot of fun! A bit too much food, though. Weather was cold on Friday, and warm the rest of the weekend. Lots of rain, and it's turning to snow shortly after Goldie leaves town tomorrow.
Had my review at work on Friday. It went much better than I expected, although I still haven't read it (didn't bring it home) nor signed off on it. The review was the official transition from old boss to new boss. One thing that bubbled up over the weekend of ruminating, is that old boss set one of my goals for next year. It's for a group that she is responsible for, that she said I was no longer a part of, so why should doing a Lunch & Learn for them be one of my career goals? I think not. New boss gave me 4 goals, and I'm only supposed to have 2-4. So I'm going to be removing the Lunch & Learn. Which is not to say that I won't do it, it's just not going to be a deliverable for me.
I'm also getting a loaner laptop on Monday, so they can take my laptop away and upgrade my OS from Windows XP to Widows 7. Yippee-NOT. At least I'll get away from IE 7, which no one supports anymore.
Monday morning, Goldie leaves, Monday afternoon, Baby Bro, SIL & Nova arrive. They are staying at least until Sunday, I believe. I've just about used up my store of sociability right now. I need a quiet day before the holidays. Ha!
At least the house is ready for the holidays now. Although we still have some weatherproofing to do.
Enough for tonight. Looking forward to seeing the photos that Goldie took, especially the action shots of Lycan at the dog park.