Better weather this weekend, cold and sunny on Saturday, warm and sunny to day. Yippee!
Friday the Mater told me my computer was completely broken. (Remember her's died several weeks ago, so everyone has been using my laptop since, and it's been relocated downstairs.) Today I was able to diagnose. It is bloated/warped battery syndrome. The top edge should be flat.
The bulging presses directly onto the trackpad from beneath, and it's like the trackpad's click button is always depressed. No way to click, hen no way to navigate on a laptop. Luckily(?) I have
previous experience with this problem and was able to immediately identify the issue and knew what to do to solve. The computer will work without the battery if it is lugged in, and I have ordered a replacement, which I have to pay for, since the old battery was over 4 yrs old. I opted to go for a better more expensive bater from Newer Technology, rather than the poorly rated 1/3 as much cheap knockoffs on eBay & Amazon.
Tonight is being spent rendering yet another slideshow to DVD for one of the Mater's conventions on Wed.
Saturday we had Behave Jen over, and then it was game night. We played Blokus, Guesstures, and 2 hands of Mille Bourne; which we haven't played in over 20 years. Hint to one and all, if you play Mille Borne with 4 people, there is not enough mileage to go around for anyone to win, and a hand can last an hour. If you play with partners, a hand will last about 15 minutes. No-Fun vs. Fun.
My household to do list still has on it: Get a few estimates for a new garage door to be installed, find a used Mac laptop for the Mater, call TimeWarner about our horrible HD reception. Let's see how many of these we can knock off this week? (I'll be happy if I can do one. This has been my to-do list for more than a month.) =( New to the list, figure out what we can do with the backyard to reduce or eliminate the mud situation.