The Mater is 84 today - Go Mom!
She had an "incident" this morning, she tried to unlock the back door while holding her McD's coffee, a breakfast sandwich, keys, and something else. The lid came loose on the coffee which spilled and scalded her wrist. She ended up having to go to Urgent Care to have it taken care of. She lost a slap of skin, and had 1st & 2nd degree burns. This is the 2nd time in a month she's been burned due to loose lids on her morning coffee. She went back to McD's to talk to the manager. She's requesting that they train their staff on making sure the coffee lids are on correctly. The Managers made her fill out an incident report for their insurance company, and they say they will pay for the medical costs. Hard to do when Mom is on Medicare. To be continued...
Called the vet today, gave them the new symptoms from over the weekend. This morning Lycan was very listless, and had to be encouraged to eat her breakfast. Vet prescribed 2 weeks of a different antibiotic, she has to take it 3x a day with food. But Lycan was already feeling better at lunch time, she played a bit in the fresh snow (we got about 2" this morning) and ate her lunch, slowly but without encouragement. She ate dinner with a bit more gusto.
We took Mom out for dinner to her choice of restaurant (Outback) and Lycan was feeling a LOT better by the time we got home. Played in the snow, played in the apartment, tug and fetch the tire, and jump on B and chew J's slippers, etc. She is full of vinegar tonight! Yay! Lots of tailing wagging too. Makes me a lot happier.
M just gave her her first antibiotic capsule in a fig newton. (rolling my eyes)
At work today, I did not get my performance review because my manager didn't finish his homework over the weekend. I also had a few meetings canceled, yippee! So the review has been pushed back to Wed (the last day he can do it). Same deal last year, he just can't do *anything* in a timely fashion. Reviews could have been given starting Oct. 1st., but he chose Nov. 27th instead. After a review is given the worker gets a few days to mull things over and write response comments. Then the supervisor has to sign it, and then the worker has to acknowledge that they've seen all of the comments. That last part has to be done by 12/6, next week Friday. This is cutting everything very close, and I HATE that. He's going to want my response by Monday I'm betting, and I am not going to rush. Our performance ratings are on a scale from 1 to 4. 1 means you could get fired if corrective action isn't taken, 2 still needs corrective action, 3 is "meets expectations", where 80% of the employees are expected to be rated, and 4 is consistently exceeds expectations. And of course, your merit increase is based on this rating. Supervisors have to go to department heads and higher to give someone a 1 or a 4, and it has to be done prior to that Oct 1 start of the review period. (You know, it requires pre-planning, something Little P can't do.) Last year I got a 4, but I lobbied for it for over a year. This year I am expecting a 4, and will be very, disappointed and not a little angry if I get a 3. I think that LittleP is going to try to shaft me by saying that since I am "new" to this position, I can't possibly be consistently exceeding expectations. My counter to that is that I was doing my current job for 18 months in my old position, so it's not really "new". (Notice how I can have entire conversations and arguments with my boss, all by myself?) I'm trying to "let be" and see if Little P really is turning over a new leaf, and really does "have my back". I have doubts, but I am trying to assume positive intent.
Tomorrow I have to go in early for a Town Hall meeting with the Pres of the hospital. (Yawn) At least he is a dynamic speaker and he always shows us a video by the young comic
Kid President.