Holy Thursday

Mar 28, 2013 22:44

We Are Marquette!

My alma mater moved tonight from the Sweet 16 to the Elite 8.

Another wonderfully productive day. Spent the whole day working on our Workload Workgroup project. We are trying to objectively quantify the amount of work/difficulty any particular caseworker is putting in on their caseload. We identified 23 different aspects of the job, and how we could quantify it. Today I put together a spreadsheet with the 23 aspects, weighted multipliers for each (some have 3 different multipliers depending on the choice) and then prepared 2 test workers to see if we could see a difference. Ended the day with a presentation on the spreadsheet template to the workgroup.

The spreadsheet is just a tool to help us finalize our parameters, and then I have to move the whole thing into a database-based tool. The db tool will be used to make more fair new case assignments , in supervision, and managing resources within the teams. I'm very proud of the work this workgroup is doing.

Today I am happy that Marquette won it's game. I was thrilled that Little P was out of the office all day, so no one bothered me at all. I was "in the zone" most of the day. I'd look up and it was 90 minutes since the last time I looked up. I get so much done on those days. And I'm thrilled beyond belief that the weather is finally warming a bit. In the 40's today, and sunny to boot. Yayayayayayayay!

On the negative side, something was wonky with my TiVo. It took me all week to figure out that it had lost most of it's channels and needed to be rebooted. And I don't think it was actually the TiVo that was whacked, but the extra video something dongle that TimeWarner requires with the use of teh cable card. I think that's the part that was having issues. We lost most of our Thursday shows too, including this week's Person of Interest. =(

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

marquette, grateful

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