Topics: Knee stuff, Bonsai-Not, new property, pork chops
And because I tend to be verbose:
The Back: My lumbar is sore and I am back at the chiropracter for 4-6 treatments. I figured a needed to do something before teh long car ride, and I know I'll need more when we get back, after 2500 miles in 10 days.
The Knees: Friday I got my first set of knee injections of the superelastic-bubbleplastic (aka Hyalgan). You sit on a tilt-able, adjustable table that is folded in half creating a super-large, very ugly "chair". They have their own fluoroscope, so they can take real-time digital x-ray like images of your knee. First they inject a large amount of lidocaine to numb the knee (but what about a surface numb-er so you don't feel the honking big lidocaine needle?) Once everything is numb (almost instantly), they go in with an even larger needle and start injecting a teeny amount of contrast dye, take an X-Ray, reposition the needle and inject teeny amount, take an X-Ray, rinse & repeat until the dye is injected into the knee-capsule around the femur end. I have no idea how anyone could get an injection reliably inside the capsule without using some kind of imaging technique. Once the dye goes into the capsule the remove the dye holder from the needle and put on the Hyalgan (no I don't know what it is, but it's made from chicken combs, no kidding). Then they inject a pretty large amount of the Hyalgan mixed with lidocaine. And boom, onto the other knee. Takes about 20 minutes altogether. What I did know was that post injection no showering or getting knee wet for 24hrs. What I didn't know was that there is restricted walking and standing for 48 hrs. So that put a bit of kibosh on some of our weekend plans. No walk at the zoo this weekend. Of course it rained almost all weekend.
Bonsai: And because of the rain we ended up canceling a day of Bonsai work with 2 new friends from MBS out in Mequon. Had been looking forward to spending time with our two teacher bonsai friends for several weeks. It will probably be too cold once we get back from Boston. I hope we can get together for lunch or diner instead.
General & Property: Just as well we had to cancel, because I still feel pretty crappy and now M has a different type of cold (mine is all fever & sinuses, hers is headache and sore throat.) M had to work Saturday morning, after I drove her to work, I slept until it was time to pick her up. That did me a lot of good. =) Went for a drive and did a few errands on Saturday. While looking at
this house for sale near my $350,000 dream property valley, we found this
very reasonably priced $65,000 for 4.5 acre property for sale. It's a sloped hillside, wooded, with a southern exposure. About 5 minutes from Brookfield Square, just a few blocks off of Greenfield Ave. Another hidden rural-ish space surrounded by town. You can't really see anything from the street, because it's all wooded for 20-30 feet next to the road, with a lot of dense undergrowth. The trees in this subdivision established in the 1960's are gorgeous right now. And I'm betting by the time we get back most of the leaves will have fallen so we can see what the actual topography of the parcel is. Certainly a walk-out basement would be easy. I'm envisioning the garage would be on the basement level, too. We need to see better what the view is though. I know there is a large wetland/catchment area below the slope, abutting what is still a cornfield, but will probably be developed as soon as the current owner dies or can no longer farm. And there is also a high-power line some distance to the south (but how far? 1/4mile? 1/2 mile? It's got to be farther away then the 3 blocks away that the line is from us here or it's a deal-killer for M). But, I am hopeful. This might be an ideal property for us to build our own tiny home.
Brady: This weekend the Mater and B were gone to an Irish convention
I-Bam. In their absence friday night we had left-overs, Saturday Chicken & Feta & Spinach sausages with Mac & Cheese and green beans, and tonight Steak fajitas. Yummy! Tomorrow night is Brady gals and I have entree. I'm making this
pork chop with apples stuffing dish. I made one pan for home and one for Brady. I know that Jan is making us a squash & cream cheese soup for our salad/veg course.
Friday night we watched the first episode of Lost Cause, the submarine show. Interesting, definitely will watch more to see where it is going. If the politics don't get too far-fetched we may be in for the long haul. If the politics get too wacky, M & B will probably still watch and I'll do something else while they do. Last night I FF through most of Karate Kid 3, I only wanted to see the Bonsai parts; what a horrible script and even worse acting. Tonight it was the Packer Game, and doing my hair in prep for vacation.
And now I've staid up too late writing this.
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