Amazing Race

Apr 05, 2010 10:08

Wanted to post this last night, but we watched it late and the computer was already shut down.

I LOVE the cowboys! When they make mistakes, they can be pretty serious ones, (missing that coconut, *and* leaving the bottle on the boat were both easily preventable, pretty stupid mistakes) but when they are not, they are AWESOME! I really thought we were saying goodbye to them last week, and what a wonderful fluke that it was a non-elimination point. This makes me wonder if the show picks and chooses when it's going to be non-elimination, so as to keep more popular teams on longer? If they do, I don't think I have a problem with that. This week, they kicked ass. To go from last, with an extra speed-bump task to perform, to a first place finish was just a beautiful thing to watch. Somehow, it all has to do with the driver of that red taxi they got. He did *something* we didn't see, but it made all the difference n the world. Don't care. We have our cowboys for one more week.

And I must say that I think it was actually fortuitous that the Father/Daughter team were philiminated. Without any of their gear or clothes they would be seriously handicapped anywhere other then a hot climate, and would have been forced to beg in some manner or form to get the supplies/clothes. So I'm just as happy not to have to watch that. Also I hope that the crew actually had their packs so they eventually got their stuff back.

Oh, by the way, I am so tired of teams saying variations of, "We have to get rid of Team X. They have to be the next team to go." As if TAR were a voting-off elimination show, instead of a skills/merit show. No team can 'get rid of' another team, so stop talking like you can, it shows a basic misunderstanding of the entire contest.


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