Feb 02, 2008 09:40
I'm sorry for not updating as frequently as I should, but I'm here now.
First up, employment update.
Fuck Arizona. Those bastards made me pay $600 to fly out there and interview with them, then they turned around and said, "We're sorry, but were going to go with someone else." Later I call them back to find out that I could have answered some of their questions better. Such as technical questions, and trying to work in the gray (I answered questions as black and white because I thought they wanted to hear that). My theory was that I was a white male from out of state, ergo all the females, ethnic, and in state people got them screwing me out of a job. Thank you fucking Afirmitive Action. How much proof I have of that however is nothing but speculation.
Reguardless, I'm still working at Wal-Mart. It's allright, but I really want to be doing what I went to school for. I might go back to school and get my masters in education, become a science teacher. At least then I can be doing something that is remotely related to my field.
Second update, marriage.
Me and Jess are still together after 4 monthes. I feel that we've grown stronger together and are trying to at least get up and running financially. We may be looking at houses soon.
Third update, D&D.
Jess and I are running a game up here called "The World's Largest Dungeon". One massive adventure that takes us up from levels 1-30 approx. It runs on Tuesday nights.
Last update, friends.
I miss my friends. I want to see them again, party with them a little and maybe have a few drinks with. Now that I'm in PA, It's a little harder to see everyone in VT, CT, NH, and yes some in ME still. (BTW that sounded weird). Anywho, hope all is well on your fronts and maybe I'll hear from some people soon.