Peace be upon you.
Results were released earlier today at 5pm.
(002 - Principles of Economics, 05A - Mathematics 2, 127 - Organisation Theory: A Disciplinary Approach, 025 - Principles of Accounting)
I choose to believe that its due to the blessings of fasting and Ramadhan Day 23. Initial emotion was afraid. Afraid I will fail 3 modules in a row again. But Allah was by my side. I am relieved. I managed to pass 3 out of 4. I didn't really expect much from Principles of Accounting but failing it made me really sad. The most surprising was Math 1. Despite being a self study module, ive improved so much from getting a 20-ish. Thank You Allah for everything. Thank you Mark Harris and Sunny Goh for being really good Lecturers. Thank you dear self for not giving up hope. You have done your very best. You much not be complacent and keep up the good work while putting in more effort in POA. You must continue to improve yourself to be a better person now and afterlife. Without faith, hopes, dreams and effort, you will never get this far. *pats self*
It clearly shows i cannot study and work at the same time. And i do work well under little pressure. Mum didn't say much. I just got hit on the head. Nevermind that, i just hope she gets well as soon as possible.
To graduate, I need to complete 12 units. So far i've completed 5 units. So i have 7 left. I am not sure if i should take 4( re-sit incl) this sem and 3 next or 5 this sem and 2 next. decisions decisions. I might already have an idea of what subjects to take for next semester. Managerial Economics, Strategy, ESAP, ISO and resit for POA. But i'll have to think and make my decisions wisely. Allah will guide me.
This post deserves 2 new tags because i say so. :))
oh look, public post. :p