An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an "ouch" for an "ouch"!!!!

May 25, 2005 23:30

At first I was going to post a rant-and-rave about an ouch I experienced earlier. Then some NCBI something-or-another kicked in and I decided to model what someone who experienced my ouch might feel like. This sounded like a good idea because I could put my feelings out there and basically not get in trouble because I was using a diversity program's script. I then thought about it some more and decided whether I was using the diversity model or not I would cause another ouch from my pain. That's not a good idea at all. By causing an ouch I don't really feel better and I've made someone else hurt. I don't ever want to do that. If I want people to stop "ouching" me then I have to stop the ouches. How can I expect to be treated "ouch-free" if I don't stand up? I stop this line of ouch now. So I talked to my baby sister, who btw is wise beyond her years, and she helped me find the "real ouch" behind my kinda ouch.
So in response to some comments made earlier to me, About stresses on relationships and how love should be a constant:
"You have to love them for who they are-if there are stresses on a relationship that means there are stresses on the relationship, not the *love*... just like if there are less stresses there are less [stresses], not more love."-Sarah
About cookies:
Sarah and I had a sleepover last Saturday night. We made really tastey cookies. They had peanutbutter and chocolate chips. The recipe called for 2 types of sugar, eggs, flour, chocolate chips, baking soda, water, oil, and vanilla. It's kind of funny we made the cookie dough and realized we forgot the vanilla! So in our exuberance to fix the lacking cookie dough we spilled vanilla all over the counter! Which we had to soak up with the cookie dough... We started eating the cookie dough and realized vanilla is what spiced up the otherwise boring cookie batter. It's kind of ironic how such a common flavor mixed with all the other flavors really made the whole batch taste that much better.

My new motto: "BE LIKE SPIKE!"
Similar to "I LIKE IKE!" but like... much better and not political.
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