Aug 11, 2004 18:33
hmm, the time has come for an update from the other end of the universe!
I just got back from Martha's Vineyard... 3 grand days of early morning surf casting (for a grand total of ONE undersized striper... but it's the thought that counts!) spending time with my hilarious and crazy cousins, and relaxing on the island of famous rich people. Mmmm... famous rich people... Helps that the weather was gorgeous
Oh, and i ate at the original Black Dog Tavern... as in the place where all the t-shirts and semi-amusing mugs come from. It was extraordinarily good. i'm still full.
it's kinda nice to unplug from society for a while... almost a week with no newspaper, no tv, and no computer (until today). it's a good chance to relax and take a good hard look at ones life. my conclusions from aforementioned good hard look: Stuff is good. I'd like to take a few choice people to college with me. Please come along.
Next years seniors: i urge you to look at washington d.c. schools, and come visit me. i'm awesome. my room will have a GUARANTEED MINIMUM of FOUR (4) posters. That's right. AND a plaid/denim CUSTOM MADE lumberjack bed. You read correctly.
i miss everybody a lot. i can't wait to come home tommorow!! maxin' and relaxin' for a few days, then kat comes home :) :) which is a much anticipated event.
THEN it's my REALLY LATE but STILL REALLY AWESOME birthday party. Sunday. 3:00. Come. Please? Pretty please?
well that's pretty much it.
Except, i met my aunt and uncle's new golden retriever puppy Katama, who is the cutest thing in the world. Well, maybe second cutest.
P.S.- I have THREE pairs of shoes. I feel like a hollywood movie star.
p.s again: i need a new cell phone.