The "Ask me about my writing" meme

Aug 03, 2009 16:13

Saw ivesia19 do this and thought it was a really cool idea. Also, I'm still blocked on the CSI verse, so it will give me something else to do. Go nuts. :-)

Ask me questions. Anything about my writing.
For instance:
Why did you stop *insert story name here* there?
What happens to *insert name* after the end of *insert story name*?
*Random object* seems kinda strange in *story name*, why the fuck did you include it?

Something bug you? Baffle you? Annoy you? Move you? Let me know.

I'll answer things in another post.

Also, feel free to go anon, if you want.

ETA: Answers posted here. (Feel free to ask more questions and I'll answer them as they come along.)


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