I got this idea a while back when I read this really funny choose-your-own-ending brendon-plays-truth-or-dare-and-loses-his-virginity-to-practically-everyone-on-the-label fic that I then lost the link to. (If you have the link saved, I'd love to find it again, anyway...) I love the whole choose-your-own-way-through-a-story idea, so I started drafting out a story like that together with
vicious_remarks when we were chatting one night. So far, I figure I've written about half of it (two complete branches, some other stuff) and can proudly (?) display a schmoopy letter, some Pete Wentz protective-over-Patrick-ness, some Ryden sex, some more Ryden sex and a very pissed off Spencer Smith throwing wedding rings around.
The problem with writing this kind of story is naturally that you tend to have the entire story in your head all the time and then you might not see weaknesses of each individual branch. (My outline shows 16 branches at present, and each branch needs to make a complete story that can stand on its own) And my two betas are wonderful, but having read all the different parts as well, they kind of end up with the same problem as me.
Which means I'm looking for volonteers. :-D
Want to beta read a branch for me and tell me if something doesn't make sense? I'll repay you in credit and cookies? (or fanart/drabbles/other services if you so prefer. :-))
Drop a line in the comments and I'll send you a branch to check once I finish them (might take a while, there are a lot of different paths to work on. Heh.)