Oct 15, 2008 12:44
What did we do before the Internet? Honestly? I know that we didn't get a computer in my house until I was fourteen and that I lived with only a modem for several years after that. But seriously? How did it work? It seems I spend nearly all my free time online these days, doing e-mails, youtubeing and image googling when I'm happy or relaxed (or just bored) and mainlining fanfic like thick ropes of heroin whenever I'm sad/overworked/angsty/tired/whatever. Because there's really no better pick-me-up than a bandom slashfic. It's just not possible not to grin like an idiot at the Spencer/Jon sun-and-puppies routine, or swoon (and grin like an idiot) over the gorgeousness that is Brendon/Ryan. So even though I find it slightly disturbing that people are out there writing fanfic on real people, these stories make me feel so much better that I just don't care anymore. Or, I care, but I'm hoping that the pretty boys in eyeliner take it as flattery and with a laugh.
Oh, and they write kick-ass music as well, I've recently discovered in my youtube escapism-antics. "Lying" is on auto-repeat in my head these days. I'm turning into a total fangirl at age 26, embarassing as it is to admit.
So yes, angst and the Internet. And sun and puppies and gorgeous, gorgeous boy teen love. Thank God for all of that when everything is dull and grey and winter is just around the corner.