Title: Burn So Bright (6/6)
Fandom: Merlin/Hunger Games fusion
Rating: R
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (Arthur/Gloss, Gwen/Lancelot)
Wordcount: 68K (2K in this chapter)
Arthur was seven years when he won his first tournament and gained entry to the training centre in District One-the district where all tributes were expected not only to win, but to shine like the sun while doing it. His goal was clear from the start: making it to the arena and coming out a victor. Unfortunately, Arthur’s Games turn out to be vexing in the extreme. And that’s just the tributes from Twelve. And the ones from Three. And Seven. Honestly, it’s like no one but him knows how these games are supposed to work.
Chapter One |
Chapter Two |
Chapter Three |
Chapter Four |
Chapter Five |
Chapter Six Whole story on one page