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ivesia19 December 25 2010, 19:46:54 UTC
Fill because I love you! (references "Clarissa Explains It All", but the only thing I remember about it is that the main character had a baby alligator. Hence this. Also, I've decided that Dallon is awesome, and I have sadly never written about him /o\)

It all starts when Dallon discovers the box of old video cassettes during his move. Piled under various Bruce Willis movies, he finds an old vhs marked "Clarissa Explains it All" that he is 100% positive that he didn't tape back when he was a teenager to secretly watch in his basement when he was feeling that seventeen was just too hard to function sometimes.

Regardless of how it ends up in the box under poorly-written cop movies, Dallon finds the tape and decides that it's just the perfect thing to top off Brendon's Christmas present this year. He wraps it in old newspaper, making sure that Sarah Palin's face is visible clearly on at least two sides, and hands it over to Brendon the next time he stops over to see the dogs. Dallon seriously needs to get a dog of his very own one of these days.

As suspected, Brendon loves the old vhs that just might not work, and promptly ignores the other presents that were actually paid for with Dallon's hard-earned money. It's alright, though, because Brendon's smile when the opening sequence starts up in bright neons and annoying music makes up for the unopened brand-new coffee-maker.


It's three weeks later the next time that Dallon has time to stop over at Brendon's. He has seen the other musician at the studio a couple of times perfecting an album that seems to be constantly perfected, but this is the first time since Christmas that Dallon's been able to make it out to Brendon's house.

He rings the doorbell when he gets to the door, and lets himself in after hearing Brendon's yell. It isn't unlike Brendon to be too lazy to open the door, but the sight that greets Dallon is truly unusual: there is a bright pink kiddie pool set up in the living room. The pool is half filled with water on one side with a mound of sand on the other. A tiny bright yellow sun umbrella is stuck stylishly in the sand, providing shade from a sunlamp set up to the side. Brendon is sitting next to the plastic pool, holding a small something in his arms that he's apparently feeding with a baby bottle.

Upon closer inspection - meaning when Brendon ecstatically holds it up for Dallon to see - a baby alligator comes into view, small eyes flashing not-yet dangerously.

"His name is Elvis," Brendon says proudly, holding up one tiny paw to faux-wave. "I think he likes you."

Dallon knows that he could logically just walk out the door and pretend this never happened, but he stays instead, and in about twenty minutes, he and Brendon decide that the album should really have an alligator song put in there somewhere, and maybe it should be edited again just to include it.

The album is totally never going to be done.


(here!: http://www.tvacres.com/reptiles_alligators_elvis.htm)


redorchids December 25 2010, 20:30:05 UTC
This is awesome and I love you. ♥ !!!


ivesia19 December 25 2010, 20:45:48 UTC


seratonation December 26 2010, 00:14:19 UTC
omg that is such a brendon thing to do :D:D adorable!

and you did dallon really well :D


ivesia19 December 26 2010, 03:59:03 UTC
Thank you!
I want Dallon to be in bandom forever.
I have decided this today and am very adamant about it. As I am with all things I just decide.


seratonation December 26 2010, 05:12:24 UTC
:D:D me too! he is so adorable, i think its just people find it hard to include him because him and his family is too cute to mess with :P

ahahah you should stick with it! more dallon always!


fannyt December 26 2010, 17:39:20 UTC
Oh god so cute. :DDD


ivesia19 December 27 2010, 00:27:37 UTC
Thanks, bb


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