Spyro prequel status update

Jun 27, 2010 18:05

I got some writing done today! Part One of the Spyro prequel is now pretty much finished, I think. 16K words. Spanning over the first two years of the fifteen or so that are planned for the whole arc. (Yeah, I know, I know *shakes head at self*)

I'm thinking that I'm kind of in the market for a beta, too. The people who usually help are all awesome * infinity, but most of them have stuff going on this summer and I kind of don't want to thank them for all the hard work they put in on the Ryden prequel by going all "hey, have another one! This one will probably be three times as long!" :)

So, anyone interested? Warning you now that this story is a) angsty, b) angsty, c) VERY angsty and that I tend to be a very greedy person to beta for (basically, I love betas who take off their silk gloves, grab a baseball bat and then just pounds at the story from every direction. Love brutal honesty. Love nitpicking. Love seeing what goes on in someone's head as they read. My goal when writing longer stuff is always to become a better writer and write the best story I possibly can, so I soak up concrit like a sponge. And since I'm not the sharpest knife in the subtlety drawer, bluntness is very much appreciated). Still interested? Drop a comment or email me at redorchid10 at yahoo dot com.



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