Feb 02, 2010 21:44
today at work, i was hustling back from filing some customer holds at the register, when i saw a woman standing at the customer service desk. there was no bookseller with her, so i thought i'd go over and help.
walk up to desk, ask: Hello ma'am, can i help you?
Lady *waves a page torn from a magazine at me*: Well, I was TOLD you had this book in stock and i was HOPING you'd bother to bring one down to me.
Me: O_o Well, Ma'am, it sounds like someone's already helping you.
Her: No one is. *glare*
Me: Okay, well, what book do you need?
looks at book ad on magazine page*
*the same book had already been looked up on the computer screen in front of me*
i told her: Ma'am, do you need me to go find this book for you?
Lady: They already asked you to go get it!
Me: I'm sorry, but no one has spoken to me about this book. I came over to see if you needed help because i saw you standing here alone.
Lady: Is your name (coworker)?
Me: No, my name's (Redorchard). Did they page (coworker) to fetch this book for you?
Lady: *glare* No one's helping me!
Me: O_o
just then my coworker walked up...holding the book in question.
Coworker: Here you go Ma'am.
Lady: *lovely smile* Oh thank you! See, such wonderful service!! This is why I shop here and not at (rival bookstore)!!!
*and she walks away*
I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!