November Rain

Nov 06, 2008 10:45

 I live on an island that is 1 degree north of the equator. This obviously means I'm either found stuck under shelters during random showers, or cowering under my blanket waiting out the rather scary display of pyrotechnics put up by nature. Yes, I'm a baby. I scare easily. You would too, if you were hurrying home from a rough day and were scared out of you pants right in to the path of incoming traffic just because lightning flashed in front of your face and thunder boomed right above your head. You're special! A personal thunderstorm. Nice! NOT.

I'm forced to brandish an umbrella at all times in addition to the weight i lug around like a pack mule, but i don't usually complain as it serves to shield me from the sun that peaks out almost immediately (Nose bleed saver). When you think about it, the rain serves its purpose quite well, actually. It cleans the streets and the trees look all plasticky and shiney-happy all the time. They don't have to wait for a yearly washing. They have a bath daily! I guess this is what makes this place look so very unreal sometimes - its C-L-E-A-N, almost without any effort! Ditto for the cars - no need for a car-wash.

I still can't get used to the idea that it is November, its supposed to be cold, but it rains... Not showers that widdle on you, but Buckets That Leave You Gasping For Air (because they are so cold, and its so windy). In my head, its still July-August...

And i thought November Rain was just a song. Tch!

singapore tales, you tube, scaredy cat, music, rain, tongue-in-cheeky, november rain, writing

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