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redobsession September 18 2008, 03:09:48 UTC
A fist ameteur story for a novice writer.
Voldemort has lost his unmentionables in his quest for immortality, but he finds himself in need of an heir.
HAHAHH! priceless. maybe i shall now go and really read this stuff. the quotes are mad! The comments are crazy! i cant go through them all, but the first page was funny!

well... i do read fantasy/sifi too, but yeah, a decent peppering of stuff like Graphic novels lately. i think thats because i have so little time to read non textual things. a graphic novel saves the day by letting me read a fun tale, not letting me imagine it, and it gets over super fast. i hate putting books away half done. this past month, it took me FOREVER to finish the Murakami i began in July. *cries* i've never read like a snail.
So, to answer your question, Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman's Graphic Novels, Enid Blyton, Tolkien, Wodehouse, Stephen King (i used to read him extensively when i was in graduate school)... recently, the Artemis Fowl series and the Percy Jackson series have been making me happy. There are a couple of other fairy-fantasy ppl on my shelf at home who i cant recall... and most of the classics are favourites, poems included. Fav poets are Eliot, cummings, and Baudelaire. so yeah. i read everything. but i love my fantasy with ppl from a fantastical dimension. :)


isha_libran September 18 2008, 05:30:38 UTC
Did you get to the mono-dialogue between Remus and Sirius in the comments? I fell about laughing at that one. XD

These are all actually summaries of Potter fanfic that the poster compiled. The first post was so successful that about 30 odd batches followed. This was actually the 'Greatest Hits' collection, you can find more gems if you browse backwards. =)

Your reading habits seem to be very similar to mine. =) I do love Pratchett, too. And cummings's 'i carry your heart' has to be one of my favourite poems of all time. And speaking of King, have you read 'It'? =)


redobsession September 18 2008, 09:46:37 UTC
can't recall, child. but possibly, yeah. i remember i went through a Stephen King phase... and i was scared witless when i read Desperation. i think i stopped reading him after that! :(


isha_libran September 18 2008, 10:51:50 UTC
Didn't read 'Desperation', but the one that scared me off King was his 'Dreamcatcher'. *shudders*


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