Yes, peeps, the rag from Bombay has wormed its way to Bangalore as well. in serch of greener pastures? Yeah, well, maybe. Why bangalore? isn't bombay churning out enough sex-related, cocain-snorting stories? ;P One thing stays constant in this version, here in sleepy-town, though.... The Dear Diana photo casebook and the Dear Diana help-me-with-sexual-problems bit, and AH, the Mid-Day mate ;P :) the rest of the paper, you just... well, flip through :P but yeah, this will give me more cause to be bitchy and poke fun at people with (made up) problems.
I won't be
as bad as Rohan is in my criticism, but you have to admit, his Sarcasm is pretty funny, after you get over the horrifying crudeness of it all.
To leave you with a taste of whats in store for unsuspecting bangalore, you may (or may not),
read this link. it IS pretty... ummm... groin-clenching! :D
Mid-Day, welcome to Bangalore!
thanks to
code_martial for this picture.