The Egyptian museum, full of priceless artefacts, is said to be at risk from the fire at the NDP headquarters. (6.42pm) По некоторым сообщениям,
Египетский музей, изобилующий бесценными артефактами, может пострадать от пожара в здании штаб-квартиры
Ох, как не по себе становится, когда читаешь такое.
"16:49 Apparently there are few police to be seen anywhere in the centre of Cairo, as the curfew continues to be utterly ignored. More worrying, perhaps, is that there are also no fire or emergency crews of any kind, and the fires that have taken hold downtown are burning freely, say Al-Jazeera - and they are dangerously close to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, which contains thousands of the great treasures of ancient Egypt, including the mask of King Tutankhamun.
18:01 Egyptian film director Khaled Yousef, who has apparently joined the protests, has called upon the Egyptian army to protect the antiquities in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, says The National's Sultan Al Qassemi on Twitter. Apparently a small number of people are using the cover of the protests to loot, he tells Al Arabiya: "Minority of thugs have robbed a bank near the Egypt Museum; I was with protesters all day. There is no presence of any security near the Egypt Museum, that is why I want the Army to help"
18:25 More on the fears over the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. According to The National's Sultan Al Qassemi on Twitter, the fires have spread to trees in the garden of the museum and buildings nearby. Khaled Yousef, the film director mentioned before, says that some local citizens have come to protect the museum from fire and looters." Great news: Al Jazeera "Thousands of Egyptians form human-chain around Egypt Museum to protect it from looting".
"2135: The BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo says the military are reported to have moved in to protect the Egyptian museum, where some of the world's great treasures are stored, in the midst of the demonstrations." (
source) Каирский музей не пострадал от огня. (29.01.2011, 10:23:03) Мародеры уничтожили две мумии в Каирском музее. (29.01.2011, 17:17:05) ((
Hyperallergic: Breaking: Images of Egyptian Museum Damage. ((( Каирский музей пообещали открыть через несколько дней. (31.01.2011, 14:02:02)