Айсберг длиной в 97 км отколол от Антарктиды новый айсберг с размерами 78x39 км

Feb 26, 2010 23:12

7 January 2010: B9B iceberg, which is 97km long, approaches the Mertz Glacier tongue.

7 February 2010: the B9B iceberg makes contact with the tongue, which already had major rifts in it.

20 February 2010: the Mertz Glacier tongue breaks off creating another massive iceberg.

compulenta.ru lenta.ru bbc.co.uk (english) sciencedaily.com (english) source (english)

UPD Ещё: http://igorivanov.blogspot.com/2010/02/mertz-glacier.html.

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