Feb 07, 2011 16:34
Today has not been such a good day. On Saturday during the storm, Billy left for work and when he got his trailer, there was a lot of snow on the top. The company doesn't remove the snow and he has no way to do it. He was denied passage on the turnpike, so he decided to take a back road where he knew there was a bridge that would knock off most of the snow. Before he got to the bridge, there was a car off the side of the road and a truck had stopped (on his side of the road) facing the opposite direction, presumably to help. A car in front of Billy stopped and Billy stopped behind her. When it was clear that the lady in front of him wasn't going to move, Billy chose to go around the woman since he had enough room and it was clear. He went around her and didn't think anything else about it.
A few miles down the road, a cop came up behind Billy and pulled him over and told him the woman claimed he flew around her fast and hit her mirror. Billy is not one to lie about anything, so I believe him. he told the cop I didn't hit her car and when the cop walked around his truck, he couldn't find any evidence that would say he did hit her. It's possible snow may have fallen off his roof and hit her mirror, but his truck or trailer did not hit it. The cop told him since he couldn't find any damage, he wasn't writing a ticket.
Today Billy gets a call from the sheriff's office and the sheriff tells him he has to write him a ticket because there is damage to the woman's car and a witness. The witness is someone that was sitting in this lady's car - of course they are going to lie to support their friend. Billy has to stop and pick up his ticket on the way home. It may be for a hit and run, but Mr. K. said they can't really charge him with that because there is no intent. He didn't hit the woman so he wouldn't be acutely aware of driving away from the "accident."
Right now we're waiting for Billy to get the ticket and then we're going to fight it. In 23 years of professional driving, he's never once had a chargeable accident. He truly believes snow fell off his trailer and hit her mirror and is adamant he never hit her mirror. The truck that was stopped in front of the woman was further over to the left than her car, so he would have hit that truck and not that lady's car. And let's face it, if his trailer would've swung around and hit her mirror, there would be other damage to her car than just her mirror.
I am on fire because of all of this. Something that Billy didn't do (or if it was the snow falling, it wasn't his fault) is going to count against him with his job and his super clean record.
P.S. This was a real update, wasn't it? I'd almost wish that nothing like this happens again so my posts can just be boring again.